
Workshops for Children - 2 minute video

Workshops for Adults - 2 minute video


Flying Fish studio is an art space run by Hannah Lord, where the focus is on individuals' well-being and their enjoyment of the creative experience.

Our values

To create a warm & welcoming space to be yourself.

To respect everybody's individual needs.

To foster curiosity & a sense of wonder.

To encourage independence & responsibility through a carefully planned environment.

To build a culture based on honestycooperation & respect.

 News, Articles & Interviews

Interview with Jasmine Ong, currently advocating the Montessori approach from Singapore.

Interview with Jasmine Ong, currently advocating the Montessori approach from Singapore.

Steelmekker article - Sheffield Community magazine

Steelmekker article - Sheffield Community magazine

Interview with Carrie Twist at Culture TALK: Pioneering Creative Business Women

Interview with Carrie Twist at Culture TALK: Pioneering Creative Business Women

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Trained in Montessori education, AMI certified

Paediatric first aid trained

Food Hygiene Certified, 5 star rating

Partner of Artsmark, an Arts Council England endorsed network of arts and cultural organisations